Friday, July 26, 2013

Why did the fetus cross the road?

I have just learned that Austin State Representatives filed a bill to try and make abortions illegal as soon as five weeks into a pregnancy. Their reasoning behind this is to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. Not "will be detected," but "CAN be." And on occassion, that can be as early as five weeks.
I have many problems with this bill. Once again, it shows Pro-lifers trying to force their ideas on other women and their bodies.
I am pro-choice, yes, and even I still believe every baby should have the chance to live. Yes, I believe it's unfair to the child, and yes, I believe it's unfair to the father who wants to keep the baby... but it's still the woman's decision! You don't know her situation or what she's going through in her life. Maybe she was raped, maybe she's not at a place right now where having a kid is an option, maybe her birth control failed... You just don't know. And if she does get an abortion, how does that affect anyone else but herself? No one will have to deal the decision but her.

I agree that life should technically start when the embryo/baby has developed life-sustaining organs, like a brain or a heartbeat, but prohibiting an abortion before the woman may even know she's pregnant is ridiculous. It's absurd and may actually be unconstitutional.
Some women don't know that they're pregnant until they're at least 5-6 weeks when they realize they've missed their period. It can actually of some women not knowing until they were 3 months along because their periods are normally irregular.

Also, a child with a fetal defect will not show for way longer than 5 weeks. For instance, the child has to at least have developed a spinal cord to know if it has spinal bifida! That could take nearly 20 weeks to find out.
According to Fox 7 News, Representative Harold Dutton stated, "I was under no illusion that the bill would pass but what I was trying to do is prick the conscience."
I hate that Pro-lifers see us Pro-choice people as though we're without a conscience. They think we believe it's okay to "murder" our children and that we don't value a fetus's life.
That isn't true. We just don't see everything in black and white. Quality of life should be a factor in the abortion debate and that's what we realize. Is it better for a child to suffer with a horrible or fatal abnormality than be aborted? You may think so, but I don't.

The whole abortion debate is very ironic. The Senate passes SB1 to prevent people from receiving birth control (because abortion clinics do provide free birth control), but then they try to ban abortions for the babies they're making us have. And yet, the Senate won't offer any assistance to the women who are forced to have those babies and Senate won't play any part in raising it.

Honestly, most of the people I see nowadays protesting abortions are men, who have never and will never get pregnant in their entire lives. Men don't have to feel the fear of finding out you're pregnant, experience carrying it to full term, or deal with the risk of complications during childbirth. In the most unfortunate cases, when the man decides he doesn't want to deal with the situation, the woman gets left alone with the child, and that'll take a toll on her physically, emotionally, and financially. If men got pregnant, they would definitely be pro-choice and there would be abortions in convenience stores and in local gas stations. Beef-jerky flavored.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I found this article to be very organized in the information that was being presented as well as a good insight upon such a touch subject. The facts that were presented about why a woman would chose to have an abortion in the first place are not only truthful, but honest. Stating that maybe its possible that a mistake happened, birth control failed, or factors are present that are not allowing you to care for a child at this particular moment in time. I particularly agree with the statement about how clearly ironic this topic even is seeing as how the Senate proceeds to pass a bill prior to this not allowing women to get the birth control that they need to prevent having babies, and then they chose to pass a bill that prevents aborting the babies that they have caused due to lack of resources. That combined with the so called "protection" this bill will provide women when in all actuality it leaves more reasons for women and young girls to turn to unsafe conditions to have these abortions, leads me to believe these people don't know what they are talking about. I think that the author of this article did a good job of laying out good information based on this topic and provided a good argument for those that agree with pro choice and the rights of women. I am a big believer myself in these rights.